Monday, August 23, 2010

Game night Social

On August 21st we had a game night social.  On the agenda for the night we had, Famous Quotes, Profiles, Salad Bowl Game, and Ole!  Lots of laughter and fun was had by everyone.  Here are the pictures of our fun night.

Sherie is "flying away".
Julie is out of the frame because she was doing a somersault to act out Shawn Johnson.

Matt, running.  Not quite sure what the answer to that one was.

Josh as John Denver.

See the concentration on these faces?!?!

The final score was tied - we couldn't believe it!

Guessing the profiles.

Do you know who these profiles belong to?

Jenn was no nonsense with the Famous Quotes game...too bad she didn't win!

Matt and Jess, our fearless leaders, wondering, "What did we get ourselves into?"

Jenn and David.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Our Ownership

In an effort to take ownership in the community group, I volunteered to start a blog for the group.  At the time, it sounded like a good idea.  Now I'm just feeling pressure to put something "meaningful" down as the first official post...and honestly, I don't have anything.  I can't come up with a good title, verse, description, blah, blah, blah.  So, as my first act on this blog, I am now asking you, the frequenters of the community group, to take ownership and give me some suggestions as to the formalities of the blog.  I too will be thinking about these things this week, and hopefully will be able to concrete some of OUR ideas.  Thank you in advance for your help...I can't do this without you.